About Us
Lifeworx Inc is dedicated to assisting individuals with disabilities to live and work in our community. We have the tools and resources needed to match individuals with employment opportunities.
We have over 30 years of experience in the human resources industry.
Terry Roberts
(785) 219-9333
Terry’s father took a medical retirement at age 33 due to PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) and then passed away at the age of 44. Terry never knew his father to be a well man. Terry grew up in hospital waiting rooms, taking his father to doctor appointments, dialysis treatments, and a lot of ER visits.
When Terry was 25, he too was diagnosed with PKD. Soon after that so were his brother Harold and sister Sarah. Sarah passed away at age 44, Harold began dialysis in 2008 and was able to receive a transplant in 2010. Harold now works full time as rural mail carrier. Terry’s son Elliott has also been diagnosed with PKD. Fortunately, Elliott is not on dialysis and is still able to work.
Terry started dialysis in 2016 and was able to receive a transplant in 2018. Shannon Roberts, Terry’s wife advocated for Terry through social media and was able to find a donor for Terry. In 2017 Terry signed up for the Ticket to Work program with David Schaeffer at Lifeworx, Inc.
Terry has a varied work history. He began working with youth while still a youth himself, in college he worked in the inner-city projects in Dallas, TX, managed a restaurant, been the business manager at a retail store, sold furniture, managed a country club & golf course, owned a landscape business, worked in the mental health field, founded and managed a nonprofit group home for people with mental illness, and worked as an over the road truck driver.
Thinking outside the box has been Terry’s approach to much of life.
No matter what your disAbility is, Lifeworx will seek creative solutions to find you the right job.
Kaley Williams
Operations Manager
(913) 337-6072
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